e-mobilio nominated for “Best in Class” award

Press release, June 19, 2024

“Pioneer of the mobility transformation”: e-mobilio nominated for “Best in Class” award

Munich, June 19, 2024

At the end of October 2024, Electricar and the Institut Neue Mobilität will present the “Best in Class Awards 2025” at a major industry event in Hockenheim. In the category “Pioneer of the mobility transformation”, e-mobilio successfully convinced the jury and has been nominated for the coveted prize.

electricar, the magazine for the mobility of tomorrow, honors the best electric cars in all categories in cooperation with the Institut Neue Mobilität. “Best in Class” is the new industry award for electric cars and special achievements in the field of electromobility. The winners are selected by a jury made up of renowned experts such as Christian Clerici, Prof. Dr. Ing. Markus Lienkamp and Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Johann Tomforde.

In the category “Pioneer of the mobility transition”, e-mobilio was shortlisted from a select circle of nominees and can hope to win the “Best in Class” award.

There were five submission categories in total: “Best Electric Car Design”, “Best Electric City Vehicle”, “Best Electric Family Car”, “Best Fleet Vehicle” and “Pioneer of the Mobility Transition”. All award winners will be announced and duly celebrated at a major event at the e4 Testival at the Hockenheimring at the end of October.

About electricar and Institut Neue Mobilität 

The trade magazine electricar is one of the leading industry magazines and online portals in Germany and is dedicated to the mobility of tomorrow. It provides information on the latest models from electric car manufacturers, economic aspects, charging infrastructure, success stories and visions for the future.

Institut Neue Mobilität supports its customers in developing strong competitive positions enabling a successful positioning amongst their competitors.

Contact for press enquiries:

Klaus Burgmair, e-mobilio GmbH


+49 89 2555556-52

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